Vilius Kontrimas

My passion is to develop organizations for people and people for organizations. Mature, kind, wise, free, brave, healthy, active people create modern, effective, sustainable, financially successful organizations. I am always looking for new opportunities and contacts, let‘s get in touch!


Vilius Kontrimas

Vilius Kontrimas


Organizational and personal growth, business strategy and expansion, performance improvement, sales, processes, projects, innovations and technologies management, artificial intelligence (AI), intellectual automation (IA)

I have been learning and practically creating organizations and humans synergy all the time. My goal is to make organizations modern, effective, sustainable, financially successful, and help people to grow as personalities, be kinder, wiser, freer, braver, healthier, and more active. I have been gifted to work under special circumstances in great business in different industries. I have been member of top management teams in these businesses when they have been growing fast, when they have been amplifying market leadership, when they have been transforming positioning, when they have created ambitious strategies, when they have working on processes reengineering, performance improvement, and activities automation.

I wish society friendly enterprises to thrive and to serve as self-actualization systems to humans, I wish all society to reach quality of life and long term wellbeing faster.



Businesses management

Boards membership

Strategies development

Processes reengineering

IT systems development and implementation

Artificial intelligence research

Consulting and training

Presentations and keynote speeches


Vilius Kontrimas strategija dirbtinis intelektas

Didinkime savo sprendimų kokybę tausodami savo pajėgumą juos priimti.

Didžioji dalis mūsų sėkmės, laimės, sveikatos, gerovės ir viso kito ko siekiame priklauso nuo mūsų sprendimų. Natūralu, kad kiekvienas turime būti...

Vilius Kontrimas strategija dirbtinis intelektas

Tik naudodami savo stiprybes būsime geriausi ir mėgsime veiklą vienu metu.

Talentų vadyba ir ekonomika tampa svarbiausiais progreso bei sėkmės veiksniais. Tuo tarpu darbuotojų, studentų, moksleivių ugdymas yra...

Vilius Kontrimas strategija

Pasirinkite efektyviausią vadovavimo stilių konkrečioje situacijoje

Pradėjęs vadovauti naujai sau sričiai – pardavimams susimąsčiau apie vadovavimo stilius ir noriu pasidalinti vadovavimo stiliaus klausimais...

Vilius Kontrimas strategija

Panaudokime susirinkimus vadybos rezultatyvumui didinti.

Kiekvieno vadovo darbo efektyvumą labai ženkliai mažina neplanuoti ir nereguliarūs kreipiniai kai esi susitelkęs ties kitu darbu. Kiekvieno pavaldinio...

Vilius Kontrimas strategija

Kaip galime organizuoti sprendimų priėmimą geriau?

Galia organizacijoje kyla iš šių pagrindinių šaltinių – pozicija/įgaliojimai, žinios (ekspertizė), ryšiai. (Yra daugybė platesnių galios dedamųjų modelių...

My passion is growth of organizations and people


My life mission is to grow and serve the others.

I help organizations to grow and improve performance by development of a right strategy, optimization of processes, implementing technological solutions. I help people to grow as personalities, be kinder, wiser, freer, braver, healthier, and more active. My main competencies are organizational and personal growth, business strategy and expansion, performance improvement, sales, processes, projects, innovations and technologies management, artificial intelligence (AI), intellectual automation (IA).

The most interesting experience

Coordination of corporate level aggressive expansion strategy preparation and execution (turnover from 600 million Eur up to 1 billion Eur in 4 years), coordination of the business acquisition strategy preparation and execution (acquired business in Latvia, Estonia with >140 million Eur turnover);

High complexity ERP change initiation and management (budget >10 million Eur), all main company information systems change in 3 years with 50% savings of forecasted budget (ERP, HR, DMS and other), IT strategy, projects portfolio alignment with company strategy (especially high automation of processes in the company, IT expenses only 0.7% of turnover);

Businesses foundation and management in IT and constructions industries (profitable growth all the time under my management);

Cost cutting project coordination (yearly savings 6 million Eur);

Corporate development unit establishment in the company (supply chain profound transformation successfully started, initial size of stock > 90 million Eur);

Processes transformation programmes implementation (classical reengineering and LEAN);

Innovation and technology bachelor / master degree programs creation in ISM University of Management and Economics with double degree option in Illinois Institute of Technology, USA (Lithuania President Valdas Adamkus Alma matter).

Utmost responsibilities and duties

Leading from 30 to 3000 people, accountability of >300 million Eur turnover, membership in the most important decision making committees of organizations, big IT organization (>70 employees, own infrastructure), facilities complex (>300 000 m2), transport unit (>180 passenger cars and >50 trucks) management, volunteering in organizations which make better our world.


2001 – 2003 Programmer, project manager
2004 – 2009 Optimali statyba, CEO, cofounder
2007 – 2009 HLTECH, CEO, partner
2009 – 2014 ISM University of Management and Economics, rector, strategical develoment, infrastructure director
2014 – 2018 Kesko Senukai, corporate development, IT, sales director
2018 – present Advantes technologies, CEO, founder


Computer science PhD (artificial intelligence), Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), 2009
Master of Management, Double degree, ISM University of Management and Economics (ISM), BI Norwegian Business School (BI), 2021
Civil engineering master, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), 2008
Business administration master, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), 2004
Computer science master, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), 2003
Business information bachelor, Vilnius University (VU), 2001


Social networks